For most women, pregnancy brings with it a feeling of
excitement and the fulfillment of becoming a mother. These are usually emotions
felt by fathers to be but not with the same intensity as women do. Pregnancy is
a beautiful time for many women about to have their first child. These are
usually the most excited lot.
Many think of the feelings that come when one holds their first child in their arms. Most times, the journey toward that moment is forgotten. Pregnancy is usually associated with certain kinds of pain. The pain’s intensity differs among many women. Some women may experience it in its severity and in others, it is quite mild. These kinds of pain are backpain, abdominal cramps and hip pain.
Many think of the feelings that come when one holds their first child in their arms. Most times, the journey toward that moment is forgotten. Pregnancy is usually associated with certain kinds of pain. The pain’s intensity differs among many women. Some women may experience it in its severity and in others, it is quite mild. These kinds of pain are backpain, abdominal cramps and hip pain.
Hip pain may begin to occur as early as 6 weeks and as late
as 30 weeks. The reason for these vast changes in time periods is because
pregnancy is indeed a very individual matter. Every woman’s body is different
from the other. Also, hip pain depends on whether you have had prior
pregnancies. Sometimes the body reacts at its own time because it already knows
what it is expecting. For some women, hip pain is so severe that it prevents
them from walking properly, or even walking at all. There are various modes of
treatment’ prescribed for this pain such as, nursing your hips with a bag of
ice-the numbness helps the pain wear off for a while, prenatal yoga that
increases flexibility. Ultimately, the best choice would be to visit your
Usually, one prime factor is the cause of this hip pain during pregnancy.
This factor is expansion. As the woman’s uterus, and her body in general, continues
expanding and growing her posture is affected. The woman’s muscles and
ligaments react in a different way to the occurrence of relaxin in her body. The
ligaments usually begin to loosen in anticipation of the expansion of the
pelvis for delivery through the vagina. This phenomenon is referred to by some
as baby drop’.
The baby begins to position itself for delivery and this causes
pain in the hip area for the pregnant woman. Relaxin is a hormone in the body that
eases the woman’s pelvic motion in readiness for birth. However, this pelvic
motion is not always as easy. It can increase the woman’s vulnerability to
injury. This same pelvic motion is responsible for the severe pain in the hips
experienced by most women during pregnancy.
Ultimately, it is expansion of the pelvic muscles that
causes pain in the hips. This pain may be more severe for first time mothers
since their body is experiencing new changes that have never taken place in it
before. These frustrations that occur during the pregnancy are usually
experienced by a large majority of pregnant women. The best way to deal with
this pain is to talk to your doctor about it. Also, talk to other women since
they also do understand what you are going through. Understanding the causes of hip pain during pregnancy help a great deal.